Personal experience of the highs and lows of being a Mum of three children have given me an understanding of what parents with children of all ages can go through. The high or surprise of finding yourself expecting, the birth that no-one can prepare you for, along with additional responsibility, loss of independence, things not as you expected them to be… can all just get too much. Maybe the career you had seems like a distant memory and you are feeling under valued or perhaps, even ignored. It can happen to all, mothers, fathers and carers.

Sometimes you just need someone to talk to. Someone who will listen and understands that life can become overwhelming. Pressures of parenting and caring for your family can leave little time for you. As a mother and someone who has worked with parents and families for over 15 years I aim to offer a safe, non judgemental space to explore and understand the feelings you are experiencing. Those feelings may be about yourself or those closest to you, know that you are not alone. Perhaps you are affected by low mood or depression, counselling may help promote your emotional well being.

Perhaps relationships in your life are seemingly stuck in a rut? Or complex and unrewarding? Counselling can help you work through your issues and help understand and rebalance your emotional responses to those around you. Each family is unique. It may be that you are struggling to adjust to new or changing dynamics, new arrivals or new additions that may happen when families separate or join together.

To help you, here are Top Tips for self care from the UK’s Mental Health Organisation –

Talk about your feelings
Accepting who you are
Doing something you are good at
Staying connected to others
Asking for help

At Serendipity we offer both 1:1 counselling, couples counselling and therapeutic family interventions. We am based in the centre of York with good links to car parking, secure bike parking, buses, taxis and trains. If you would like to talk through your issue and find out how counselling may help, we offer a free 30 minute, initial telephone consultation. This allows us to understand the issues you are struggling with and helps you decide if therapy is right for you. If you would like to find out more, please contact us at

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